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What is the Most Important Blood Test for Kids?

Amish Patel - November 22, 2023 - 0 comments

Children’s blood tests are important diagnostic tools that help paediatricians assess your child’s health. Blood tests for children are typically performed through a simple finger prick or standard needle blood draw, depending on your child’s age and the specific blood test needed. Paediatric blood tests provide doctors with valuable information for diagnosing illnesses and help them decide on the proper treatment.

At Intrigue Health, we offer convenient private blood testing in Bexley and Dartford. You can count on reliable and quick results for all paediatric blood tests.

Keep reading to learn more about the most common blood test for kids.

What Is the Most Important Blood Test for Kids?

A Complete Blood Count (aka CBC) test is one of the most important blood tests for kids. Paediatricians use this type of blood test regularly to diagnose illness. Paediatricians may order a CBC as part of a routine checkup to screen for problems or because a child isn’t feeling well. The results from children’s blood test can help healthcare providers diagnose problems like anaemia, infections, inflammation, bleeding disorders, hereditary diseases, and certain systemic conditions.

A CBC test measures and evaluates the different components of blood, including:

  • red blood cells
  • white blood cells
  • platelets
  • haemoglobin
  • haematocrit

If your child needs a blood test, you can easily book children’s blood tests at Intrigue Health online. We offer private blood testing in Bexley and Dartford with our team of skilled phlebotomists who will put your little one at ease during the blood draw.

Other Private Children’s Blood Tests Available at Intrigue Health

In addition to the CBC private children’s blood test, Intrigue Health also offers the children’s blood tests below.

  • blood grouping test
  • blood sugar tests
  • blood test for allergies
  • metabolic panel
  • paediatric lipid profile
  • haemoglobin test
  • allergy test
  • metal and iron test

Book Your Appointment for Private Blood Testing in Bexley at Intrigue Health

While the idea of a paediatric blood test might be scary for your little one, our compassionate and skilled phlebotomists will make sure the process is as comfortable and stress-free as possible for your child.

It’s easy to book children’s blood tests at Intrigue Health, simply book online to choose a time, date, and location that is most convenient for you!